No Jumper mp4

So much to lick and suck - I didn't know what to do first. Her belly was round and so fun to knead and kiss. She wasn't put off by this. If anything, she was able to tell that I wasn't bluffing. She knew that she was not my first BBW and that I genuinely enjoyed her figure and her in particular. I think what really convinced her was when I got behind her and started kissing and licking her huge ass cheeks.Probably the most humorous moment was when she got on her knees, looked me straight in the eye and said, "Welcome to Atlanta," and proceeded to suck my cock with reckless abandon. I soon asked her to "sit on my face," to which she laughed and said, "I usually would ask the guy if he's sure, but you seem pretty confident." She acceded to my request and we started 69-ing. Her pussy smelled like you might expect a woman's pussy to smell after being on her feet for an eight hour shift at work without having taken a shower afterwards, but it was by no means foul. Just kind of. If she is anything like my wife, she takes longer to shower. Finally after thirty minutes she came out of the bathroom. She was wrapped in a towel, a towel was wrapped around her head and she held two towels. As she came out of the bathroom, she dropped the two towels just outside the door in front of what I was later to find out was a mirror. She turned back into the bathroom and brought out the vibrator in one hand and i-phone in the other and dropped them on the towel. She came over to the bed and rummaged through the carry-on. With all the movement, the towel started to un-wrap. She attempted to fix it but failed so she just shrugged it off dropping it onto the bed. She turned toward the window and again looked at me watching her. Reaching back down in the carry-on, she pulled a razor and shaving cream from her carry-on and walked over to the towels on the floor. Bending over, again with her ass facing the window and me, she placed them on the edge of the towels she had dropped.
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